Poets have a place in the ecosystem

More than ever, we need art to help us imagine & understand the experiences of others, because when we do, we are more likely to honor our vast & varied humanity.
Each of us has a place in the ecosystem, and there are many roles to play if one cares to engage with, & contribute to our culture, our democracy, & to the future. Here are 2 roles that need to be stepped into right now:


carry forth the Long Memory, forgo magical thinking, face the uncomfortable & frightening—like facts about the planet’s rising temperatures—and respond with heart & vision.
unsettle expectations by proposing imaginative alternatives, rather than reacting & existing in a defensive mode.


have power & influence, resources & connections, & use each skillfully.
accept leadership & don’t assume that someone else will do what they can do, now.


Poetry Immersion, Winter: Contemplative Beginnings
listen to your longing to write poems & spend more time engaged with art & ideas…

learn more about this first session of my new, online Poetry Immersion program here. There is room for 12. We begin January 6 and you can participate from anywhere in the world.


In the next couple of weeks, I’ll be unveiling my new website & course offerings after nearly a year of deep reflection, imagining, connecting, creating & collaborating.

I maintain my belief in the sustaining power of art, Nature, & devoted inquiry. I continue to practice & teach resilience & collaboration. My intention is to offer you an opportunity to see the world, & your role in it, in a new way.

Stay tuned.